Stand Against Trump’s Expansion of Guantanamo Bay for Migrant Detention

Donald Trump is expanding Guantanamo Bay to detain up to 30,000 migrants in a facility infamous for human rights abuses. This is a monstrous act of cruelty that defies basic human decency, and we cannot stay silent.

Guantanamo Bay is a stain on our nation's history, a place where people have been tortured, stripped of their rights, and locked away indefinitely without justice.

Now, Trump wants to throw desperate migrants into this dark abyss, hiding behind claims of detaining only "high-priority criminal aliens." But with zero transparency, who will truly be imprisoned? How many innocent lives will be shattered?

Expanding Guantanamo Bay is a grotesque misuse of taxpayer dollars that will only deepen the suffering of those already fleeing violence and persecution. We cannot let history repeat itself. We cannot allow a facility infamous for its brutal past to become a holding pen for those seeking refuge.

We demand that Congress, human rights organizations, and the current administration immediately intervene to shut down this expansion, implement humane alternatives to detention, and finally close Guantanamo Bay for good.

This is not just about politics. This is about human lives, about stopping the expansion of a facility that has long been synonymous with inhumanity. Sign now to take a stand against this moral disgrace. Add your name to oppose Guantanamo Bay's expansion.

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