Full Funding for Dallas Animal Services - We Care

  • al: Carol Brewer
  • destinatario: Mayor Mike Rawlings, City Manager A.C. Gonzalez and City Council Representatives


The final phases of the City of Dallas budget process are taking place now. City Council members are presenting plans to their district's constituents. We don't have much more time to let them know the public expects a fully funded budget for Dallas Animal Services and Adoption Center. Please sign and share.

Keep up with the latest on the fight for funding Dallas Animal Services at: www.facebook.com/WeCareDAS

Adoptions are up, live release rates are skyrocketing, community outreach efforts and spay/neuter are paying off in South Dallas, public support for DAS is at an all time high, and thousands more pets are being saved every year.  Now the budget team wants to negate these efforts.

The budget team is recommending to the City Council…

  • No money to keep the PetSmart Charities Adoption Center open and running,
  • No money for vaccination on intake, which keeps the shelter pets healthier and the environment safer for the staff and visitors
  • No money for cleaning supplies to minimize cross contamination;
  • No money for canned pet food – just dry food for the tiniest orphans, the seniors, and those that are ill,
  • No money for basic lawn maintenance to keep the grounds in compliance with City ordinance,
  • No money to repair or replace broken, outdated equipment like exam tables, scales, autoclave, appliances, desks/chairs, anesthesia machines, etc.
  • No money for an emergency generator.  Should the AC fail in the heat of the summer, the consequences could be deadly for the animals housed at DAS;
  • No money for additional staffing. DAS is already unable to respond timely to public safety calls and emergency situations,
  • No money for staffing to provide the additional services City leaders expect as part of the Mayor’s Grow South plan.

Keep up with the latest on the fight for funding Dallas Animal Services at: www.facebook.com/WeCareDAS

Thank you and please be sure to share!

Dear ---,

Please provide full funding for Dallas Animal Services in the 2014-2015 budget. Our shelter is currently underfunded and there is simply nothing to cut that does not severely impact their ability to care for our companion animals.

There are $1.6 million dollars worth of "enhancements" that have no priority in the 2014-2015 budget proposal. We expect all the "enhancements" to be fully funded.  These "enhancements" are actually quite the opposite: they are necessities that are increasing live release rates, keeping the staff safe, and improving quality of life for city of Dallas residents.

Our shelter has made such drastic improvements in just four years. Please do not allow Dallas to be that city that halted additional progress and took a giant step backwards. I ask that you please do not allow the DAS budget cuts and give them the $1.6 million in additional funding they desperately need. Thank you.


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