Hello friends. I currently live in Vic West, Victoria, British Columbia, with my two pet potbelly pigs named Athena and Vishnu whom I love as if they were my own children. Three years ago, after paying the government $1600 in fees to have agents inspect my home on four different occasions, they finally gave me the thumbs up, and allowed my pigs live with me in my home. Three years later animal control came by and said no pigs are allowed here, and that I would be fined $250 anytime they were found within our city limits.
Currently my pigs Athena and Vishnu are being forced out of the city of Victoria, and our home, where I care for individuals with special needs. I will NOT abandon my kids. Pigs have the intelligence levels of a 3 year old human baby, and my kids can literally learn new tricks in 20 minutes. My pigs are loved by all of the special needs individuals we care for, the many children and adults who come to say hello, as well as the daycare across the street. The children jump for joy when they see my piggies, as if it is the coolest thing they have ever seen.
Please help and SHARE this petition in order to help us gain our respect as pets and pet guardian ... Athena and Vishnu are not food... we are a significant part of our community! I truly hope you all can support me, and thank you sooo much 
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Nov. 26th I am meeting with the City Council and Mayor. Please re-share this petition, we hope to round the numbers up to 4000+ before Thursday. Nelly Furtado, N.W.A., Bucko n Toad, Mr. Universe, and the U.K.s Strongest just shared, tweeted, and create videos in order to help me win my pigs back. Share our Facebook pig page and in return you will receive many cute and wonderful piggy pictures, videos, and stories. https://www.facebook.com/SAVE-MIKES-PET-PIGS-1599797850270142/?fref=ts