We DEMAND the Shark Cull in Western Australia Cease Now!

  • al: Holly Jade
  • destinatario: Colin Barnett, Western Australian Government

Despite the fact that the Great White shark is an endangered species and that an estimated 73 million sharks are killed each year by humans alone, we are now seeing the Western Australian government commit almost $20 million to trap and shoot sharks that come too close to shore. Their first victim caught in the drum lines was a 3m female tiger shark where she was dragged out to sea and shot. Many sharks since this incident have been caught and are dying under this policy which Colin Barnett says he will not review until summer 2015!

While we surf, swim and enjoy Australian beaches, we have NO right to kill and destroy marine animals to fulfill a false sense of satisfaction that we will be 'safe' from a potential attack. The ocean is the shark's domain and they are sharing their home with us and all other marine life. It is THEIR RIGHT to live without yet another threat that will only add to the demise of their existence. 

By signing this petition, we demand that this barbaric, senseless and shameful plan of eradication cease immediately! Surely our money could be better spent on ways to educate people on avoiding shark hazards, signage for hot spots and research for a wider understanding of these creatures. If people choose to ignore warnings when entering areas known for greater shark activity, they enter the ocean at their own risk, not at the risk of the lives of the sharks! 

To Mr Colin Barnett and whom it may concern,

I am writing with sincere concern about the shark drum line deployment that has been put in place to attract, trap and kill sharks that come close to shore. This cull is an absolute embarrassment to Australia and its people and an atrocity of the highest level to the marine environment and sharks. I find it difficult to understand how this has gone through given that the government is trusted to maintain and look after our environment as well as Australia's people. As you will see from this petition I started on 26th January, 2014, the world is absolutely against this and many people are outraged and ashamed at such a ridiculous and murderous act. Many have written comments that they are embarrassed for Australia and will not visit while this is running. Nearly 35,000 people have signed this petition in less than 1 month.

If this does not alter your decision to stop this cull immediately, I urge you to be very aware of the catastrophic destruction you are making to our fragile marine enviroment and the embarrassment and shame you are causing this country.

Holly Brambleby

Actualizar #1hace 11 años
Thank you for your signature. I need to call upon you to keep spreading the word & get people to sign this. The more back up, the more ammunition there is to stop it from continuing. There is an update on the culling in the Archives section of Sea Shepherd's website, seashepherd.org.au, dated 6 Feb 2014. I'm determined to get the WORLD on our side to CEASE this abominable plan now! Colin Barnett is one man about to face the MAJOR ROAR of a world who is standing up against his power of shame.
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