Stop Youtube letting people show videos of dogs killing pet cats

I recently came across a video on Youtube of a KITTEN being KILLED by a DOG and the owner of the dog just taking the video and not even trying to help the KITTEN..Surely Youtube can keep a eye on what is put on their site and ban people like this who obviously enjoyed watching with no HEART at all.I am a dog lover but this upset me to see and only encourages people like this to just stand by and watch while they video it.PLEASE help you ANIMAL LOVERS to safe guard our CHILDREN and to let them know it is not right to let this happen.There are sick people in the world.Still upset about this.SORRY BUT THE VIDEO IS VERY UPSETTING.PLEASE keep an eye on what your children are watching on Youtube.This MUST be STOPPED NOW!

I am utterly disgusted that you allow people to upload videos of people letting dogs kill cats.You are encouraging them to abuse and kill innocent animals+pets! Please help stop this NOW!!!! There is enough animal abuse going on in the world without you encouraging it!

Actualizar #4hace 9 años
Cannot believe there still putting dogs killing cats on Youtube,watch this ,getting really angry with Youtube.
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
Just found another video,utterly disgusting but they still keep allowing them to post them, and another, how many more !!
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
Hi,everyone,WATCH THIS and this Just sick with it all.Search on Youtube and you will find more.PLEASE flag them and complain.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Hi everyone, I put in a complaint to Youtube by flagging it and telling of my disgust and it seems to have been removed but we still have to STOP this! Just so so sorry I could not help that poor little KITTEN!! THANKS for signing the petition and keep it going,I will still be sending to youtube,KEEP up the good work.By the way the KITTEN was KILLED.
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