A huge thank you to everyone who signed and left messages on this petition; your contribution is much appreciated. Unfortunately the McDonalds press team informed me that the local police were told to put these spikes in place to prevent "anti-social behaviour" i.e. that of drunk people after nights out. Which in ways is understandable, but even still I fail to see how treating people like vermin is a viable solution.It's a simply ridiculous solution to such a problem- maybe we should be thinking about the fact that there's a massively huge industry that benefits from selling people actual poison that removes many inhibitions and twists emotions in unnatural ways. Instead of developing ineffective "solutions" that temporarily solve the problem, we should be working to prevent the problem from happening in the first place. This is just my opinion but I hope it's one that many others share.
Homelessness is one of the worst injustices within our society, having a place to live should be a right not a privilege. Anti-homeless spikes just show complete disregard and lack of respect for homeless people who struggle every day.
In Briggate, Leeds, UK, outside McDonalds, spikes have been installed, presumably to prevent people sleeping there. The fact that the spikes exist shows how little people care about homeless people — image and customers are apparently more important than giving someone with nothing some shelter.
Every time I'm in Leeds I see many ignore homeless people, not even bothering to smile at them let alone try to help them or give charity. I cannot imagine how painful and lonely it must be to be homeless. They deserve our attention and care, this issue cannot be ignored.
Please sign the petition now to tell McDonald's and Leeds City Council to remove the spikes from outside the McDonald's store. If enough people sign, McDonald's and the Council will see that the spikes are damaging McDonald's reputation much more than homeless people sleeping in their doorway would do.
David Wells said on Twitter: "These anti-homeless studs are like the spikes they use to keep pigeons off buildings. The destitute [are] now considered vermin".
Homelessness charities say metal studs have been used to deter rough sleepers for more than a decade. This needs to stop now.
Katharine Sacks-Jones, head of policy and campaigns at Crisis, said: "This is happening in a context where rough sleeping has gone up massively. Over the last three years rough sleeping has risen by 36% nationally... The reason for that increase is the continuing economic downturn, the housing shortage, and cuts to benefits, particularly housing benefit."
The petition will be sent to McDonald's and Leeds City Council demanding that they take action to remove the spikes, as it is currently unclear whether they are on council/publicly owned property or McDonald's private property.
EDIT: I would like to thank everyone who signed this, I have read many of the comments you left on these petitions and your words inspire me, truly move me and give me faith. I really appreciate and welcome your thoughts and comments.
I'd also like to acknowledge that I know this is only a small change in the world and a small step forward, however I believe every action no matter how small is important and can help change things for the better. Hopefully together we can spark the change towards ending homelessness together because everyone deserves the right to a home, and if they choose not to then they should be treated with decency, compassion and respect. Thank you, peace and good vibes.
Dear McDonald's and Leeds City Council,
It has been brought to my attention that there are anti-homeless spikes outside the Briggate McDonald's store in Leeds. Homeless people struggle enough as it is. Installing these spikes to deter homeless people is inhumane. These anti-homeless studs are like the spikes used to keep pigeons off buildings. Do you now consider the destitute to be vermin? It is our view that these spikes give the impression that McDonald's and Leeds City Council are heartless and unsympathetic to people in need. Please take action — show you care — and remove these spikes immediately.
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