Stop Animal Testing

People should sign this Petition because it's not fair that Animals get tested on when they dont want it. Just think if you was getting tested on and you didnt want to or animals fight back and they test us.
Things that get tested on animals 
.Make up E.G Maxfactor and  Maybeline 
.Dove and Sure 

Calvin Kline 

Giorgio Armani 
Ralph Lauren 
Thats only the start. Please look it up for more. 
You can also find the products that have not been used on aminals. 

The Animals most tested on are 
macaque monkeys
. squirrel monkeys
.Guinea Pigs  

My view of animals are to care and look after, not to kill for your own needs.

This is not a petition for us to stop eating animals as that is up to you. 

where as we cant say to stop testing. So please sign this petiton.

Other Info:
I can see both point of testing and not testing.
Testing can be good becuase without it we would not have found the cures for aids or cancer. However it can be bad, if they keep testing animals then there wont be any animals left, it is estimated that 2.8 million animals are tested each year. I think that if you want to have the cures then leave your body to medical science when you have died. Just dont test Animals. 

If you dont believe how bad it is  look on google images or look this up.
Sorry i will not put images up as they are very desturbing but please look them up! 
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