He Strangled His Father's Dog to Death. Demand Justice for Punky!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: The Macomb County Prosecutor's Office
In a suburb north of Detroit, Michigan, a man was coming home on a Tuesday evening, presumably like he had done many times before. But this evening would end up being different than any other because when he returned home, he happened upon his Labrador retriever, Punky, being strangled to death.

Sign the petition and demand justice for sweet Punky!

Apparently, the man's adult son had been home alone with Punky. When he arrived home, his son's arms were wrapped painfully around the sweet lab, who was likely struggling to breathe.

Punky's owner tried in vain to get his son to release the poor dog -- his grip was too strong, and soon Punky was dead.

The incident continued to escalate when authorities arrived and the man threatened more violence. Eventually, he was taken into custody.

This is gravely concerning. Clearly, this person is not well and could be a threat to the rest of his family members and community. That's why we're asking for part of his sentencing to include a ban on animal ownership and mandatory mental health counseling.

We know from research that animal abuse perpetrators often escalate to violence against humans. This man's torturous killing of Punky should be a warning that action must be taken to keep other animals and humans safe.

Sign the petition and ask that, in Punky's honor, this man be sentenced to a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory counseling!
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