Petition to prevent the parole of Bruce W. Walden (ID# 86C1075)


In accordance with The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, part of which encourages states to keep murderers, rapists, and child molesters behind bars longer and holds the state financially accountable if they fail to do so (Aimee's Law), there is sufficient justification to continue to deny parole to Bruce Walden.

Sunshine McKendree's death involved all of these: murder, rape and child molestation. She was just ELEVEN YEARS OLD at the time of her murder and according to statements made by Walden at the time of his arrest, he made special effort to stalk and track her down for the expressed purpose of causing her harm. He told police he was so attracted to her that he kept going back to see her, whereupon, he abducted her and killed her and left her violated semi-nude body along the railroad tracks. A LITTLE GIRL!!

Those of us who have lost Sunshine and continue to mourn her passing expect no less consideration than to keep him in prison, for the safety of any other young girls and in abject retribution for the horrific acts he perpetrated on her. He was sentenced on three counts of 35 years to life… that hasn't happened yet. He has yet to serve even a single one of his 35 year to life prison sentences for his heinous acts toward that innocent child, my goddaughter. His debt is still due.

I implore you to keep this man behind bars.

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