Ellen Degeneres, we call on you for Help to End the Dog and Cat Meat Trade (DCMT)

Dear Ellen,

You are a powerful and influential human being with a fan base in the millions. You have always contributed to worthy causes,  including to the voiceless.

These and many more are the reasons why we, the animal lovers & advocates around the world, in desparation, call on you, Ellen Degeneres, to bring awareness of the DCMT to your platform.

Please familiarize yourself with the most evil trade, The Dog and Cat Meat Trade. It occurs everyday mostly in Asian countries like South Korea or China..and it involves nothing but misery, pain, suffering and ultimately death for countless dogs and cats. These animals come from dog farms, meat stores(where they get butchered live in front of paying customers) and some are stolen pets. After the torture they all end up on dinner plates, consumed.

Global reaction along with international pressure will make the governments of these countries realize that humanity still does exists and that laws for the protection of animals and laws banning the Dog & Cat Meat Trade need to be adopted and enforced!

Ms Ellen Degeneres you can take us there.

Thank you for your time, you are much appreciated.


                                L. Aquino 

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