Release LUCY the Elephant to a sanctuary

  • al: Daniele Walker
  • destinatario: Edmonton Valley Zoo & Edmonton's mayor and city councilors

Asian elephant Lucy, born in tropical Sri Lanka and sold to the Valley Zoo as a calf has been in captivity for most of her life. She is now 39 years old and is suffering from arthritis, foot disease, an undiagnosed "respiratory condition" and in no doubt loneliness due to the fact that she is the sole elephant attraction in this zoo. She is the northernmost elephant in North America, so during the winter months she spends most of her days isolated in a barn. Lucy needs to be sent to a sanctuary, plain and simple. Her transfer to a US sanctuary is offered at no cost to the city where her health, vitality and quality of life would greatly improve. Lucy deserves our compassion and advocacy... they are truly magnificent creatures. Please sign this petition in order to persuade Edmonton Zoo, the mayor and city councilors to release Lucy to a sanctuary so she may live out the rest of her days in happiness and health. Thank you.

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