Demand a ban on owning pets for a Norwegian dog torturer now living and breeding dogs in Sweden

  • al: N. Nomen
  • destinatario: Swedish Ministry for Rural Affairs

Convicted dog torturer Aud Stokman, who goes by many aliases, was in 2010 sentenced in a Norwegian court to a ban on owning animals for life. Her crimes were so severe that her breeding kennel was consequently nicknamed "The kennel of death".

The woman has now moved to Sweden and is trying to start another active breeding kennel, and, it seems, has already sold puppies. Unfortunately she has helpers who will aquire and sell dogs for her, so people will not necessarily understand they are dealing with her until it's too late.

Past atrocities should be enough to give this woman a ban on owning animals in Sweden, neighbouring country of Norway, instead of sitting idly by and let her torture and kill more dogs before action is taken.

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