• al: No Toxic Ice Melters
  • destinatario: Parliaments of Canada, Premiers, Mayors, and government staff

The Priority Substances List 2001 from Health Canada & Environment Canada categorized road salt to be level two toxic.  Changing that to level one will add restrictions to its use and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.  Here’s why:

Melting snow and ice carry dissolved road salts into the surrounding environment, dramatically increasing chloride concentrations in sources for drinking, swimming, and fishing.  That’s why communities suffer from harmful toxic ice melters used in distant communities.

Environmental & Economic Costs

·         Animals die of cancer caused by licking the burning road salt in their paws or drinking from contaminated culverts

·         Fish can die after one week’s exposure to chloride concentrations of only 1000mg/L

·         Road salt spray damages trees and crops as far as 50 metres from treated roadways

·         Contamination of groundwater leads to contaminated drinking water

·         Salt spread by municipalities permanently damages the floors of private businesses such as retailers

·         Salt attacks public infrastructure such as water mains, roads, sidewalks, parking lots, and bridges.

·         Salt accelerates rust on vehicles, damages footwear, and destroys driveways and walkways

·         The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates $750 of damage is done for every tonne of salt spread, at your expense


Harmful Ice melters, such as road salt include the ingredients:  sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, urea, salt/sand blends, and calcium magnesium acetate (CMA).

Communities around the world are already enjoying the many benefits of saying ‘no’ to toxic ice melters.  Don’t you agree it’s time Canadian communities did too?

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