Ban Live Export - Global Class Action against governments that support live export.

  • al: Sue
  • destinatario: The Prime Ministers of Australia - Tony Abbott, New Zealand - John Key, Canada - Stephen Harper, South Africa - Jacob Zuma, Ireland - Enda Kenny, Britian - David Cameron and Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu.

Initially this petition was a class action against the Australian government.  We have been getting many, many signatures from other countries and the support has been fantastic.  What we have come to realise is that banning live export is close to the hearts of many people around the world, even in countries who do not live export.   People around the globe are sufferring just as much as Australians. Many of us have been deeply affected and continue to be affected by the images that we constantly see as Animals Australia continues to gather evidence of the ongoing inherent cruelty of this industry...because of this evidence, because of the images, because these animals are continuing to be brutalised, this issue has changed our lives. We are totally disillusioned with our Governments and have lost faith in democracy.  Because of this global sufferring of the public and the continued brutality of animals that are live exported from many countries around the globe we have changed this petition to a global class action which includes other countries.  We hope that we can still rely on your support.  It seems that individual countries are not winning this battle, governments have shown no compassion or concern for these animals, what is needed is a global campaign...we need to stand and fight as one.

Thank you.

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
This petition has been change to a global action against governments who support live export including New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, Canada, Britain and Israel. We hope that we can still rely on your support.
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
The live export industry has just announced that they will be doubling the number of animals that will be live exported from Australia due to a new trade agreement with China. The Australian government has welcomed this increase totally ignoring the evidence which shows inherent cruelty towards these animals. It is more important than ever that we do whatever is in our power to stop live export from this country. Could you please share this petition with your friends and family.
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