


August 19, 2023
To: Billy West, District Attorney
Cumberland County, Prosecutorial District 14
117 Dick Street, Suite 427
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Phone: (910) 475-3010

Dear Mr. West:
We are writing regarding the heinous treatment of a tiny foal by Witt's End Quarter Horse personnel this month, captured on video by a neighbor. Initially Cumberland County did not have access to the video showing the foal being beaten. The first video showed her tied to a gator, dragged again and again by the driver, falling down, alternately flailing, or not moving, and not getting up. At that time Animal Control thought everything was "fine" as was written up prematurely by one of the Animal Control officers. The first video alone should have been ample proof but, apparently, was not considered as such by the Animal Control officer. Witt's End Quarter Horse cavalierly noted on their social media sites (since taken down by them) that no one watching these videos knew about horse training. That statement couldn't have been more wrong.
The second video which showed tiny Faith being beaten over and over again with a rope or pipe, coldly and mechanistically, as she was flailing and flinching from the blows, should bring chills of horror to any person who has an ounce of compassion. This behavior is that of an abuser, and we also worry about the man's family and children, as well as the safety of the person who took the video and her children. As you well know, it is a known forensic pattern that those who viciously attack animals are often those who cruelly abuse people, as well.
We understand some action has been taken, but Faith and the other animals need to be removed immediately from such horrendous circumstances. The fact that the horses watching Faith go down did not scream in upset indicates to us this behavior is likely far too commonplace at this site.
We are writing this letter as followers and supporters of Border Horse Slaughter Rescue. We have well over 200K followers, all horse people who are expressing outrage at the behavior witnessed on these videos. However, you need to know this incident and the videos that capture it are all over social media. This whole situation has become a national as well as international scandal. In other words, the world is watching. It goes far beyond Border Horse and is growing exponentially each day.
We are asking you as the local District Attorney to indict, charge, and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law the persons responsible for this behavior. We are asking you to ensure that Faith and the other animals are checked immediately for their health condition and treated appropriately by a reputable veterinarian who only has Faith and the other animals' welfare at heart. We understand the pressure on local politicians to sometimes turn the other way in a situation like this. Please do not let this happen.
We are also regularly making calls to your governor and local media. It would be good if the local media would assure the world that Faith and her horse companions and other animals at Witt's End Quarter Horse are safe and cared for. And that criminal justice charges are brought against the persons who so cruelly abused this innocent baby. Like people, this trauma could affect her for life if immediate intervention doesn't occur.
Kendra Nelson of Border Horse Slaughter Rescue is offering to take baby Faith and her mother to care for her and help them heal. We will immediately raise the funds to do that, arrange for a local vet check if that hasn't been done, provide transportation, and bring Faith and her mama to safety at Border Horse Rescue.
We represent a wide array of people, many who are knowledgeable professionals about horses and human behavior. But most importantly, we are good folks from all walks of life who love horses and know instinctively this behavior was wrong, abusive, and cruel.
We thank you for your time. We ask you to do right for Faith and the other animals at Witt's End Quarter Horse. We ask you to look into the history of these abusive people and make sure their families are safe. We ask you to do a series of press conferences to let the world know you are doing the right thing in Cumberland County, North Carolina.

The People of Border Horse Slaughter Rescue and Beyond

Actualizar #5hace un año
Very sad news

Actualizar #4hace 1 años
Actualizar #3hace 1 años
Donations for the Horses from Witts End Quarter Horses at the Cumberland County Animal Shelter are now available via PHONE
E-gift card for Tractor Supply can be sent to ccac@cumberlandcountync.gov
Send Check or money order to address below ( Cumberland county Animal Services)
The phone number to call in donations is 910-672-5654
Take donations to CCAS
?4704 Corporation Drive,
Fayetteville Nc 28306
Actualizar #2hace 1 años
Donations are needed in the name of Faith...
If you would like to donate money you can do so by either dropping it off at the Cumberland county animal shelter or send check/money order by mail to
Cumberland county animal services at 4704 Corporation Dr,
Fayetteville NC 28306

See more: https://ow.ly/EIcG50PCEj5
Actualizar #1hace 1 años

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