Unilever: Stop testing your products on animals!
- al: Tal H
- destinatario: Unilever Media Relations Team
In this day and age one does not need to lock animals up in cages and burn and hurt them for the sake of beauty. It is not only unnecessary but cruel and inhumane. While you recently celebrated your Lipton brand being anti-animal cruelty I am not sure why you continue to test all your other products on animals when thousands of companies with better products do not.
Their excuse is invalid and also not true as many of your products are not Leaping Bunny certified and according to ethicalconsumer.org: "While Unilever appeared to be working to end the use of animal testing in cosmetics, food, and household cleaning products the fact it operated in countries which still required animal testing and had no fixed cut off date for ingredients tested on animals meant that it received Ethical Consumer's worst rating for animal testing."
According to Univiler: "We do not test our products on animals, but occasionally some ingredients we use have been tested to meet government requirements. A few governments still test our products on animals in their own laboratories, and we are working with these authorities to help them adopt non-animal approaches. ~Unilever
Products that are tested on animals:
Dove Axe Ponds Surf
Clear Lynx Sunsilk Knorr
Lux Rexona Comfort Flora
Dove Domestos Sunlight Omo
Cif Vaseline Blue Band Magnum
To whom it may concern,
In this day and age one does not need to lock animals up in cages and burn and hurt them for the sake of beauty. It is not only unnecessary but cruel and inhumane. While you recently celebrated your Lipton brand being anti-animal cruelty I am not sure why you continue to test all your other products on animals when thousands of companies with better products do not.
Your excuse is invalid and also not true as many of your products are not Leaping Bunny certified and according to ethicalconsumer.org: "While Unilever appeared to be working to end the use of animal testing in cosmetics, food, and household cleaning products the fact it operated in countries which still required animal testing and had no fixed cut off date for ingredients tested on animals meant that it received Ethical Consumer's worst rating for animal testing."
According to Univiler: "We do not test our products on animals, but occasionally some ingredients we use have been tested to meet government requirements. A few governments still test our products on animals in their own laboratories, and we are working with these authorities to help them adopt non-animal approaches. ~Unilever
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