Save Cats and Dogs from being Slaughtered and Eaten in Pennsylvania.

It is obvious abuse when you kick and starve an animal, but apparently, according to Pennsylvania state law, it is okay to slaughter your pet and cook them for dinner! It's obvious that no animal deserves this, but people had at least freed domestic animals from the prospect of being killed and eaten by their owners. Now, even they aren't safe from man's greedy, hungry grip. People have started breeding dogs specifically for human consumption. Dog meat was originally consumed in times of hardship and poverty. In this day and age there are so many other alternatives to killing your beloved pet for food! Help repeal this law to save helpless animals from being slaughtered by the humans they trust the most- their masters. Please sign!

Every life is precious! Save your pets from being someones' dinner.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Please share this message and spread the word of the barbaric violence being committed against harmless pets! Help repeal the law allowing Pennsylvanians to eat their dogs and cats.
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