Transfer Dog to No-kill Shelter; Don't Euthanize it for No Reason!!

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: New Hanover County, NC Law Enforcement, Judicial System and Animal Services

Please sign and share this petition on all media sites everywhere in an effort to save the life of Honey, a dog that is due to be put down even though she did not even bite anyone. The dog got loose several times and snarled at people out of fear; maybe the issue is, why was the owner not held accountable for not confining her rather than blame the dog and kill it! Help to save Honey!!!

In New Hanover County, NC, a dog is scheduled to be put down because of complaints in the community that she got loose and snarled at people out of fear when confronted. Honey is a 2-year old boxer mix and her owner, Ashley describes her as “She's definitely outgoing and she really just wants to be petted. But I guess people think she is mean. She is very sweet and never attacked anyone."

New Hanover County Animals Services has a different view of the dog. They claim that Honey would sneak around people and snarl at them from behind, but she never attacked or bit anyone. Additionally, they state that "We get to a point where it becomes an issue of public safety, and if the owner doesn't comply then we have to take the dog from them." Ashley was given a report and specific county rules regarding dangerous dogs, which she does not deem Honey to be. "You're not just taking away a dog, you ‘re taking away our child, she stated. "We love this dog with all of our heart. It's been very, very stressful and I am loosing it over this. It's not right."

She should be held accountable for allowing her dog to get loose on numerous occasions but Honey should not be the blame and lose her life just for snarling. She never bit anyone. If the owner could not properly take care of Honey, she needs to be placed in a no-kill shelter where she could have a better chance with someone who could; not kill her! Help us to save her life by signing and sharing this petition on all media sites as soon as possible since this is a timely, crucial issue. Be a voice for Honey!

New Hanover County, NC Law Enforcement, Judicial System and Animal Services - It is not fair that you are planning to euthanize Honey the boxer mix is just a young dog that never physically attacked or bit anyone! The owner should be held accountable and blamed (charged) with not properly caring for her dog and letting get loose numerous times. It is not the dog's fault for getting out and snarling at people probably out of fear. Don't euthanize the dog! Put it in a no-kill shelter and rehabilitate so that it could possibly find a more responsible forever home. This is crazy and seems to be such an easy way out! Don't kill her for being a dog; she's not vicious! Save Honey!!

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