We have started to hear the minority leader of the Senate --Charles Schummer speaking on the Senate floor a lot lately about working with the republicans and he mentions COMPROMISE way to often.
With the upcoming spending bill hr.3354 --The Interior Department and Related Agencies Appropriations bill---there over 100 toxic riders that repeal many regulations , de-list wolves in all of the lower 48 states ( with no judicial review ) , prohibits funding to be used to enforce ESA regulations regarding protections for wolves , severely weakens the Endangered Species Act and the Environmental Protection Act, weakens the wild horse and burro's Act , the Migratory Bird Act and too many Toxic destructive riders to name.
More and more the republicans and this administration takes from the American people public lands , wildlife and rights of American citizens to petition to save species and pristine land and more and more we hear Senator Schummer and about fifteen other Senate Dems say they are willing to compromise away these things.
Hasn't enough of our beautiful public lands and this countries wildlife suffered enough ?
The solution ---the Senate Dems have the power to stop all of these toxic riders before they become law---all they have to do is what the greater majority of Americans are saying right now and that is NO---no compromising away any more public lands and no act of congress to de-list wolves or any species of wildlife !

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