Save Africa's Wildlife From Poaching!

  • al: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinatario: Phumuzile Catherine Ngwenya-Mabila and Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu

South Africa has laws that protect the rhinoceros from illegal poaching. Unfortunately, these laws have been difficult, sometimes impossible to enforce because the country's wide open spaces are so vast, they cannot be effectively monitored by a few wildlife rangers. By some estimates, a rhino is killed every six hours by gangs that sell the animal's horn on the black market.

New technology that detects poaching offers the best hope for saving endangered mega-fauna like the South African rhinoceros. The Real-time Anti-Poaching Intelligence Device (RAPID for short) can be fitted directly on to the rhino where it reports on his or her location. The device also features a video camera which can and will record any efforts to poach the animal.

Please join me in asking Phumuzile Catherine Ngwenya-Mabila, Chairperson of the Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform, and Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu, Chairperson of the Committee on Environmental Affairs, to immediately deploy RAPID and ensure that every South African rhino is wearing one.

Dear Phumuzile Catherine Ngwenya-Mabila and Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu:

We the undersigned are deeply saddened at the steep decline of rhinoceros numbers in South Africa. We understand that illegal poaching has, until now, been a very difficult problem to solve because the animals range freely over such vast wilderness areas. However, now a new technology which both tracks the location of the animal and films his immediate surroundings can be used to crack down on poaching and bring criminal gangs to justice. The RAPID device can and should be installed on every South African rhino so that they have the best protection possible. Please save your rhinos and immediately deploy this new device!

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