In this country an animals is killed in shelters every 8 seconds
TIME FOR A CHANGE is how it can be done ~
Neutering Enforcement
JAIL & HEAVY FINES for those that Abuse & Dump Animals
STOP PET MILLS By NOT ALLOWING DOGS & CATS to be sold in Stores & over Internet
Regulate those that choose to Breed Dogs
TIME FOR A CHANGE is how it can be done ~
Neutering Enforcemen
JAIL & HEAVY FINES for those that Abuse & Dump Animals
STOP PET MILLS By NOT ALLOWING DOGS & CATS to be sold in Stores & over Internet
Regulate those that choose to Breed Dogs
President O'bama : Senators of the United States
In this country, we kill our shelter animals...they say, one every 8 seconds. Only 30 % or so of Dogs are adopted and Cats & Kittens the percentage of adoptables is so much less, twice as many killed.
I feel it is because we have no rules which are enforced for adopting, and penaltites for those that dump their animals at kill shelters as they get old or sick or have puppies , as well as, abandoned and left beind when they move. By the way, shouldn't one find out first if a member of their family is allergic? All the above, are death sentences to cats, kittens, grown dogs, old and even puppies.
Please END Kill Shelters....a Shelter should be just that.
Enforce nuetering all cats & dogs, unles you have a special permit to breed a purebreed, etc. Outlaw PetMills and the selling of dogs in Pet Shops.
Educate those that wish to obtain a pet of the responsibilities. Heavy fines should be given along with heavy jail time for any abuse of animals. As you know, those of you who own animals, they think, they feel, they have emotions and they learn...they just can't talk and tell you HOW WRONG this is.
Please let America truly be a kinder gentle Nation. I thank you for your time and pray for a change.
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