Over Ten THOUSAND puppy mills operate LEGALLY in the United States Alone!!

Puppy mills are large-scale commercial breeding facilities where profit is prioritized over the health and well-being of animals. Shockingly, over ten thousand puppy mills operate legally in the United States alone, subjecting millions of dogs to deplorable conditions every year. In these mills, dogs are often confined to small, overcrowded cages with little to no access to sunlight, proper ventilation, or exercise. They receive minimal veterinary care, and many are forced to breed continuously, resulting in severe health problems and psychological trauma. Puppies born in these conditions frequently suffer from genetic defects, illnesses, and behavioral issues due to poor breeding practices and lack of socialization.

Despite the cruelty inherent in their operation, puppy mills continue to flourish due to weak regulations and lax enforcement. This leads to countless dogs living in misery, with little hope of rescue or a better life. 

Urge the Democrats to BAN the puppy mills ONCE ANF FOR ALL!!

Thank you so much to everyone who cares about this cruel practice. You are amazing!! :)

For further reading on puppy mills here are some links:




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