Voting Is Still Illegal For One Woman In The USA

Can you imagine? It is still illegal for one woman to vote. If you don't believe me, check out where one woman has been denied access to US courts. 

They have blackballed her for bringing the truth to light. You know, the human trafficking (promising a female a job in the legal industry then defaming and exploiting her as a female sex offender). And, the child trafficking in the "child protective services" so the counties can have their share of the profits. Not to mention the judicial impropriety and malfeasance, violations of the Constitution, then sending her to a mental institution to shut her up for exposing exculpatory evidence against local, state, and federal judges in Napa, California to Klamath Falls, OR

A bully does not care whom he may hurt by his tormenting behavior. He intimidates the vulnerable for his own benefit, or amusement. He lacks compassion... Mitt Romney would fit that profile and laugh hysterically if he were aware of the extent of damages the US Government is capable of.

Is this the way you want to be treated? Does America really need more bullies in the pulpit?   Vote Barack Obama who understands the internal heart of America.

CASE NO.: A149568, CASE NO: 11C96000, Court of Appeals(9th Cir): 11-35438, Circuit Ct. Associated Cases: No: 09-1352; 11-464CR; OR Supreme Ct.: S058661, Ct. of App.: A145734, OR Fed Dist Ct.: 10CV3062, Inter-American Commission On Human Rights, Organization Of American States CASE NO.: P-878-09; ICC Communication OTP-CR-886/09
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