When it comes to hair dyes, they are not meant for animals. Many canine owners think it's so cute to dye their dog's hair. You may have even seen pictures on the Internet of dogs with their hair dyed and thought, "how cute". It's not cute. In fact, it's downright harmful to a canine's health because of the dye's toxic chemicals.
Emma Watson, the actress who played Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, was seen leaving a salon with Darcy, a one-year-old Maltese terrier believed to be her flatmate's dog friend. The dog's fur had been dyed pink. The pictures began a vicious discussion among canine lovers with many of them critical of it.
According to some veterinarians, it doesn't matter if the dye is safe because it changes how the dog will smell and look to other animals – in fact, affecting how the animals interact with one another.
You might be asking yourself why anyone would dye their canine friend's hair.
1 – They're bored with nothing to do but dyeing their canine's fur.
2 – They saw a dog that had its hair dyed and thought it would be cool to do too.
3 – Some people love including their pets in celebrations such as Christmas, Halloween, etc.
3 Primary Reasons Not To Dye Your Canine's Fur
It's important to understand that while there are several reasons you shouldn't dye a dog's hair, there are just really three primary reasons not to do it.
1 – Hair Dye Is For Humans
Hair dye is formulated for human hair, not dog hair. There has been no hair dyes made especially for dogs because there have been no actual studies completed on the long-term effects of hair dyes on dogs. People have reported suffering health problems from hair dye, so it's only natural for one to assume that dogs can have some similar reactions. On top of that, a canine's skin is extremely delicate and may react negatively to harsh chemicals such hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which are found in the human hair dyes.
2 – Risks To Their Health
Hair dye on humans is only done to one area of the body. For canines, however, it's the entire body. There's a possibility that the dye gets into their ears, eyes and/or mouth, which is harmful to them. Also, people using hair dyes have reported suffering with itching, burning and skin irritation.
Imagine you'd feel if all these chemicals were put onto your body. Dogs are like humans in that they can also have allergic reactions to the hair dye. There's also the possibility that a dog will try and lick his/her coat during the application process. This will lead to ingestion of those chemicals, which is deadly to humans and animals. If a dog consumes any of the hair dye it can cause a number of issues including but not limited to diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting!
3 –Psychological Consequences
People generally dye their hair for cosmetic motives; however, dogs don't have this concept. They have no knowledge as to why their hair is being done. And, for the most part, they don't like it due to how unnatural it is. Dogs cannot control what they look like and they have no ability to change how they look themselves.
You should never dye your dog's hair – regardless of the reason why you want to do it. Physically, they can suffer with vomiting from accidental ingestion, chemical burns and skin irritations. Psychologically, your dog is unable to understand why you are dyeing their fur because it's an unnatural process to them… beyond their control.
Besides, canines have beautiful coat colors – white, black, tan, auburn, brown, etc. – so you should enjoy their natural colors and beauty.
Other Reasons to NEVER DYE DOGS'(PETS') HAIR:
1. A Dog Gets No Amusement Out Of Being Purple Or Any Other Color.
Most dog owners will agree that their pooch has a unique personality. Dogs are sentient beings, not playthings, and don't seem to get any enjoyment out of suddenly becoming another color. When a pet owner dyes their dog, they are doing it for their own satisfaction, not their pet's. It's important to remember the difference and value the opinions of our canine companions, even if they can't voice them in words.
2. Your Dog Might Be Allergic To The Dye
Some humans who dye their hair have allergic reactions to hair dye products, so it's not unreasonable to assume that dogs could be allergic to hair dye as well. Reactions may include itchy skin, which can be annoying and irritating for your furry friend. If they scratch themselves hard enough, dogs can also develop sores which can possibly become infected. Additionally, constant scratching of the ears or shaking of the head may cause the development of hematomas, or blisters filled with blood. If the discomfort a dog experiences is too extreme or lasts long enough, it can create behavioral changes as well.
3. Dyeing Your Dog's Fur Stresses Them Out
For many dogs, being groomed is not a calming experience. And since dogs cannot comprehend what's going on when they're being dyed, coloring a dog's fur can cause them more stress. They may even have trouble recognizing themselves afterwards. A stressed dog is not a happy dog and anxiety can cause loss of appetite, aggression, isolation, or stomach issues such as diarrhea or constipation.
Dogs who are stressed out for too long can develop behavior problems and the physical and mental aggravation caused by their anxiety can worsen over time if the cause is ignored.
4. It's Possible For Dogs To Get Painful Ear Infections During The Dyeing Process
People who've dyed their own hair know the process requires a lot of water. Like humans, dogs can accumulate water in their ears, but this can cause painful complications for your pooch. A dog's ear is configured differently than a human's, since their ear canal has a L shape which can easily trap water. The longer the water sits in their ears, the more likely it is for bacteria or yeast to grow in the moist environment and cause an ear infection.
Dogs with floppy ears are often more likely to get ear infections since they have more folds in their ears to retain moisture.
5. It Can Be Humiliating To Your Furry Friend
Many dog owners can usually tell when their pooch is happy or upset, but dogs are also capable of feeling humiliation. They don't understand the dyeing process and know when they are being laughed at or being given attention that they don't want. Caroline Kisko of the Kennel Club believes owners need to draw a line between their own vanity and a dog's needs, as well as realize that dogs who are humiliated might not always show such feelings.
6. Dyed Dogs Are Not Natural Or Necessary
When humans dye their hair, they usually do so to express their individuality. Dogs, however, express themselves in other ways and don't need to be pink to feel like themselves. Dyeing a dog's fur treats them more like an accessory than a living creature. There are many other ways to show off your dog, such as ribbons, bandanas, or dog clothing. Even a silly Halloween costume is a better choice. If dogs were meant to be blue with yellow polka dots, they would have been born that way.
A spokesperson for PETA says, "PETA would urge people to let dogs be dogs: love and appreciate them for their natural beauty and leave them out of our confusing human shenanigans."
7. Dye Changes How Dogs Smell And Appear To Other Dogs
A visit to a dog park will demonstrate that dogs tend to sniff each other a lot. They use their acute sense of smell to determine the gender, emotional state, and even the diet of another dog. It's been claimed that a dog's nose is 10,000 to 100,000 times more accurate than that of a human. But when a dog's fur is dyed, their smell changes along with their appearance.
This can confuse other dogs, especially if they are a dog they had previously met and were already comfortable with. Dyed fur can also alarm your dog when they realize they themselves smell different.
8. Safe Dog Dye Brands May Have Misleading Packaging
The labeling on dog dye can be misleading if you don't read the package carefully. Dog dye brands marked hypoallergenic or non-toxic may also feature warnings about the product possibly causing itching and skin irritation in the fine print at the bottom. Also, in conflict to the "non-toxic" claim, certain products might also feature warnings about washing a dog's mouth out for 15 minutes and immediately contacting a vet if the product is accidentally ingested.
Be sure to read a dye product's label carefully. You should assume there will be medical hazards with any product, no matter how it may be advertised as "safe" and "natural."

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