ABC now says it won't commit to fact-checking Trump in debate. Tell them they must.

And just like that, ABC News is now saying it won't commit to fact-checking the presidential debate and calling out lies in real time. The network is deploying weasel language to avoid responsibility:

"We're not making a commitment to fact-check everything, or fact-check nothing, in either direction. We're there to keep a conversation going, and to facilitate a good solid debate, and that entails a lot of things in terms of asking questions, moving the conversation along, making sure that it's civilized." (NYT)

It's a presidential debate, not a tea party. The point is not to be civilized, it's to determine which candidate should be the leader of the free world.

What's the point of having moderators if they're just going to sit there and do nothing when a candidate tells lie after lie after lie?

ABC needs to reverse its decision and commit to calling out obvious lies in real time. Add your name, and tell them to do it.

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