Please stop the badger culling!!!!! We will boycott UK dairy until the badger culling is stopped!!!!

  • al: Victoria Salter
  • destinatario: UK Government, Defra, UK dairy farms, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farms,

Hi 馃憢,
I am opposed to the unnecessary "culling" of badgers. This "culling" has been described as unscientific, and it is debatable as to whether it will actually work to prevent/reduce bovine TB. Vaccinations and humane deterrents for badgers 馃Α should be used instead of "culling" whenever these will work, whenever possible.
The unnecessary taking of life/existence of sentient beings is absolutely wrong. Badgers, unlike human farmers, are a native species to the UK. They are the UK's current biggest predator. They should be respected, protected, loved, treated kindly and with compassion and not killed unnecessarily.
About half a million people across the UK are vegans. There is, probably, excellent reason to be, given the supposed cruelty of dairy, as well as eggs, meat, fish and even honey and silk. I'm almost vegan anyway. However, the fact that some UK farmers and the dairy industry are one of, if not the, main reason behind the badger "culling" gives all the more reason to boycott UK dairy.
Please, please, please, please do whatever you can (ethically) to stop unnecessary violence towards badgers. We will boycott UK dairy and continue to bombard the UK Government, farmers and farming/agriculture bodies until the badger "culling" is stopped.
Thank you 馃槉 to the moon 馃寭 and back.
Have the best day and night ever!

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