Make CockFighting Illegal In The U.S. Virgin Islands Now!

  • al: Anne Porter
  • destinatario: Senators of the United States Virgin Islands

The horrifically cruel "sport" of cock fighting is still legal in the U.S.Virgin Islands.
To see images of this government approved animal cruelty, simply google cock fighting. 

Though illegal in all 50 states and a federal crime to attend any animal fighting event, U.S.Virgin Islands senators continue to defend these bloody,  brutal spectacles of animal abuse as "culturally significant" and "a tradition".

Many past cultural practices and traditions, such as slavery, were stopped for ethical reasons. Tradition and culture are forces that evolve in accordance with new scientific understanding and ethical standards.

There is no cultural pride to be had for making these tame intelligent animals fight to their deaths while inflicting extreme pain and agony on them for gambling and entertainment purposes. 

We are asking for your signature on this petition to show your support to amend the
V.I. Animal Cruelty Bill to include making cock fighting illegal. This petition is in memory of "Buster Keaton-Geller, St John Rooster Extraordinaire", a rooster rescued from cock fighting in the U.S. Virgin Islands who, through online social media, showed a global audience just how intelligent and loving roosters are and why the "sport" of cock-fighting is an incredibly unconscionable and completely unnecessary act of animal cruelty. Thank you for your support.

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Dear Supporters to ending the violence in The U.S. Virgin Islands ,
We have asked Senator Nellie O'Reilly to sponsor legislation to ban cock fighting in the U.S.V.I.
Would you please take a minute and tell her why you feel this matters ?
Thank You ,
Anne Marie
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