Demand criminal liability for loose dog attacks

  • al: Emily Miller
  • destinatario: Irresponsible Dog Owners and Wilson County, TN Mayor

My leashed dog and i went on a walk in our neighborhood and the neighbor's 3 collarless dogs brutally chased my dog to our gate and tore his flesh as he screamed. I jumped the fiercest biting the back of his neck with all my might and attempted to unlock his jaws from my dog screaming they are killing my dog. i finally got the gate unlocked as the neighbor stood by called 911, but offered no other assistance. The dog has been out of quarantine and back at the neighbor's house today. My dog underwent emergency surgery and is changed forever. I received 40 puncture wounds and tendon damage. The neighbors fear a civil suit and should, so they are gaslighting me with Wilson County, TN Sheriff's Department who are showing no sympathy for my dog and I. In fact, rhey are being sarcastic and putting me off. The neighbors had another dog just put down for biting a child. They have a 6 month pit bull who was in on the attack. There needs to be criminal negligence with consequences and financial restitution. Everytime I close my eyes I see the dog rippling his flesh and I hear his screams. Please help me demand legal changes.

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