Stop the cap on Alaska's PFD

In 1976 the state of Alaska amended its constitution to dedicate part of its yearly oil revenues to a state investment fund. It was created solely to benefit the people of Alaska. In 1982 Alaskans received their first dividend of 1,000$.

The Permanent Fund Dividend had been a source of income that Alaskans have come to rely on, whether it be to prepare for holidays or pay their bills. As the prices of oil has increased so has the PFD. The cost of living has skyrocketed, especially in Alaska.

Bill walker proposed a restructuring of our PFD program to fund the government along with an income tax. Let me just stop right there, the PFD was created FOR THE PEOPLE, not the government. On June 7th it did not pass in the House. Walker called another session on July 11th. He placed his PFD bill on the agenda again, capping the dividend at $1,000.

This session was a "technical session" requiring only enough members to keep the session alive but not enough to vote. The cap was then voted on and passed. This was held on the day before the deadline. This decision can be overriden by a majority vote, when it was requested it was called out of order.

This is a cheat. It was denied, and then brought back to vote when not all of the senate was there and it should not have even been brought to a vote without enough members to vote properly. The dividend was created for THE PEOPLE OF ALASKA. The people voted it into effect. It should be our decision to cap it or not. Sign this petition to voice our demand that the government does not cap our dividend.

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