Donald Trump Jr. Illegally Killed a Protected Bird in Italy. Demand Justice!

Donald Trump Jr. has once again shown his reckless disregard for wildlife. This time, he has allegedly killed a protected bird in Italy's Venice lagoon.

A video from his own hunting trip reportedly shows him posing with the lifeless body of the rare ruddy shelduck bird, clearly flouting Italian and EU laws that criminally prohibit its killing.

We must not allow this flagrant act of wildlife destruction to go unanswered. Sign the petition to demand justice for Italy's protected wildlife!

The ruddy shelduck is safeguarded under the EU Birds Directive and Italian law. That's precisely because its population is at risk due to habitat destruction and climate change.

Yet Trump Jr., an avid trophy hunter, treated its death as nothing more than a spectacle. This was not a mistake - this was a crime. Hunting in Italy is strictly regulated, and if Trump Jr. illegally killed this protected species, he must face legal consequences just like anyone else.

No one is above the law - not even the son of a U.S. president. If Italy fails to act, it sends a dangerous message that wealthy foreigners can violate conservation laws with impunity. Italian authorities have already been urged to investigate, and we must amplify that demand.

We call on the Italian government to hold Donald Trump Jr. fully accountable under Italian law! Help us by signing the petition now!
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