Help end exploitation of lions!

  • al: Laura Bishop
  • destinatario: Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

This poor lion is being forced, either by sedation or sleep deprivation, to be a prop in photos with visitors at Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor. In the pictures, you can see how this poor lion is being unnaturally forced into position for a photo with guests. It is obvious that this is not how lions interact with humans as it appears sedated or sick. Help us by signing this petition, to let Taman Safari know that the world is watching and that this is not healthy treatment of animals.

Watch the video here:

Actualizar #1hace 8 años
I've had this petition up for a little more than a year and I appreciate all the support. Let's keep sharing it so we can reach the goal of 10,000 signatures! Thank you!
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