No Permits for Florida Bull Run

  • al: Animal Advocates
  • destinatario: Florida Pasco County Board of County Commissioners' Office
If permits are granted , an event at the Little Everglades Ranch in Dade City scheduled for Feb. 1, 2014, would actually allow people to pretend they’re in Spain running with bulls- ,with the potential to injure or kill animals and people.

Organized by Rob Dickens of The Great Bull Run, LLC, the Boston-based company boasts on its website, “There have been only fifteen deaths in the Pamplona running of the bulls in the past 102 years!”

Just as in Pamplona,Spain,  the bulls have no say in the matter. They are treated as spectacle rather than as living, breathing, sentient beings who belong almost any place other than an arena with a group of people sprinting ahead of them, many of who will be intoxicated. Two sets of bulls will be cruelly frightened to run, because they won’t do it willingly.

While it may be a "cultural tradition" in Spain, it isn't in the United States, and we ask that it not become one. We ask Pasco County officials not to grant permits for this type of animal exploitation and entertainment where both the animals, and people risk being injured or killed.


Pasco County Board of County Commissioners' Office
Chairman Ted Schrader
37918 Meridian Avenue
Dade City, FL 33525

Phone: 352- 521-4111

If permits are granted , an event at the Little Everglades Ranch in Dade City scheduled for Feb. 1, 2014, would actually allow people to pretend they’re in Spain running with bulls- ,with the potential to injure or kill animals and people.

Organized by Rob Dickens of The Great Bull Run, LLC, the Boston-based company boasts on its website, “There have been only fifteen deaths in the Pamplona running of the bulls in the past 102 years!”

Just as in Pamplona,Spain,  the bulls have no say in the matter. They are treated as spectacle rather than as living, breathing, sentient beings who belong almost any place other than an arena with a group of people sprinting ahead of them, many of who will be intoxicated. Two sets of bulls will be cruelly frightened to run, because they won’t do it willingly.

While it may be a "cultural tradition" in Spain, it isn't in the United States, and we ask that it not become one. We ask Pasco County officials not to grant permits for this type of animal exploitation and entertainment where both the animals, and people risk being injured or killed.


Pasco County Board of County Commissioners' Office
Chairman Ted Schrader
37918 Meridian Avenue
Dade City, FL 33525

Phone: 352- 521-4111

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