Tell LARC to Support Ban On Greyhound Racing

The League Against Cruel Sports does not think that greyhound racing is cruel and only supports regulations on welfare instead of a ban. As a charity that claims to want to end cruelty in sport, its stance on the issue is baffling. Please join us today in asking LARC to support a ban on greyhound racing. 

Please keep all comments polite, any offensive or immature remarks will hurt the petition and this only hurts the greyhounds. There has already been an impolite comment on this petition and we don't want any more. Please be polite. It is vital. 

Dear League of Cruel Sports,

We the undersigned ask you to change your stance on greyhound racing and support a ban on it. You say you are a organisation that is committed to ending cruelty in sports yet you don't seem to see anything wrong with the cruel industry of greyhound racing. Calling for regulations and welfare reforms will not stop the thousands of greyhounds that die every year from the industry. 

Each year around 25,000 greyhound pups are bred to race. Many of that number don't even see the track as they are killed for "not being good enough" 
Around 10% that do make it into racing are thought to be racing with injuries such as muscle tears, broken toes and strained tendons. These injuries are often left untreated which can lead to arthirits and lifelong joint pain.

The greyhound racing industry is riddled with corruption. Many dogs are fed drugs to make them go faster. Some are even drugged to make them lose races on purpose, so their price goes out for the next race and more money can be made. 
Around 10,000 greyhounds retire each year from racing but only 30% find a home afterwards. Many are sold off to Spain to be hunter dogs. Many are shot, drowned or hung, as these are the cheapest method for killing them.  

Does this not sound like a cruel sport to you? The only way to stop the greyhounds from suffering is to ban the industry. Please back a ban for greyhound racing today.  

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