Tonka, who starred across from the award-winning British actor Alan Cumming in the 1997 movie Buddy, is living out his final days in a cage at the Missouri Primate Foundation, in Festus, MO. Alan Cumming is now speaking out for a better life for the chimpanzee. Let's help Mr. Cumming save his co-star from a horrible, sad end.
The center's owner Connie Braun Casey has been repeatedly cited by the government for violations of federal animal-welfare regulations, and animal rights activists claim that its chimpanzees - mostly discarded from show business and as pets - live in "small" and "filthy" cages. They have no "meaningful outdoor access" nor the ability to live socially with other chimps. The facility is not an accredited sanctuary, and instead, is authorized to breed more wild animals into lives of captivity!
Tonka and other chimps housed at Missouri Primate Foundation need to be transferred to a sanctuary where they will be able to live out the rest of their lives as chimpanzees should.
Actualizar #4hace 7 años
It has now been over two weeks since I sent the petition to Connie Braun Casey at the Missouri Primate Sanctuary for the second time. Ms. Casey has not responded in anyway shape or form to either email; and, I doubt that she will ever respond. The only thing I can think to do is to start a second petition on the subject; and, she if she responds to a second petition. I will craft the petition in the next day or two.
Thanks for your support.
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
Since I sent the petition to Connie Braun Casey at the Missouri Primate Sanctuary on Sept. 5/17, I have heard nothing in response. I have sent the petition again today; and, hopefully, we will both receive a reply and find that Tonka has been released to an accredited sanctuary. More pressure to respond and do the right thing can be applied by emailing her at:
Please be respectful and encourage Connie Braun Casey to release all her chimps.
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Our petition is being sent to Missouri Primate Foundation today. Hopefully, we receive a response shortly. Thank you all for signing and helping to get this petition off the ground. I will update you all if I get a response. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Good news! Alan Cumming has discovered our petition and thrown his support behind it. We stand a fantastic chance of getting Tonka (and hopefully the other primates) released to an accredited sanctuary where he will have nothing to do but monkey around!