Stop Farming Greyhounds for Their Blood!

  • al: Sharanya P
  • destinatario: The National Greyhound Association

PETA's latest eyewitness investigation reveals that approximately 200 greyhounds bred for and discarded by the racing industry were confined for up to 23 hours a day for 18 months or even longer in tiny crates and barren, rusty kennels at Hemopet. This sham "rescue" facility near Los Angeles boasts that it sells the dogs' blood to more than 2,000 veterinary clinics in North America and Asia.

PETA's investigation revealed that these greyhounds—who are intelligent, gentle dogs for whom exercise is vital—were caged for hours on end on hard surfaces and taken out of cages only to be bled, walked briefly, or put into barren concrete-floored pens for a few minutes. This perpetual imprisonment caused these dogs to suffer a variety of ailments, including hair loss, calluses, and pockets of accumulated fluid under the skin.

Please share this video with everyone you know and take a moment to sign my petition urging the National Greyhound Association to bar its members' dogs from spending a single night in any blood bank, including those masquerading as rescues, effective immediately. Please also share this case with your vet and ask them not to source blood products from this unregulated industry which holds dogs captive.

Dear [decision makers],

I was shocked to hear about the imprisonment and abuse of greyhounds who are bled for dog blood banks.

PETA's latest eyewitness investigation reveals that approximately 200 greyhounds bred for and discarded by the racing industry were confined for up to 23 hours a day for 18 months or even longer in tiny crates and barren, rusty kennels at Hemopet. This sham "rescue" facility near Los Angeles boasts that it sells the dogs' blood to more than 2,000 veterinary clinics in North America and Asia.

[Your comments here]

I strongly urge the National Greyhound Association to bar its members' dogs from spending a single night in any blood bank, including those masquerading as rescues, effective immediately.

[Your name]
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