Demand justice for poor 15 year old sheber...that had both hind legs snapped!

A 15 year old dog was found with both it's hind legs snapped during a burglary in WA. The excruciating pain this poor innocent loyal dog went through is unimaginable!

the owners had to euthanise their loved companion as they could not afford vet bills.

the last animal welfare act in WA was 2002. This seriously needs to be revised to include TOUGH and SEVERE penalties including sentencing!!

please take just a minute of your time to sign this petition, not only for poor sheber but for each and every animal that endures suffering. Together we CAN make a difference. And sheber you didn't deserve this! 

tough laws means less abuse! Let's pull together to change the laws for beautiful sheber! And all animals

thank you 

To whom it may concern

we are hoping desperately that the animal welfare laws here in Western Australia can be reviewed. We truly believe if harsher penalties were in force, animal cruelty and abuse may significantly drop.

please please we are asking for new tough welfare laws, not only for shebers justice but for each and every animal that lives and breathes the same as we do. 

Together we can all make this a caring and better world.

we thank you in advance for ANY difference you can possibly make.

we need a new animal welfare act 2014!

Actualizar #3hace 10 años
The petition is now closed and will be presented to the people who can help us amend our animal welfare laws. This may take a while but I will continue to update on the Facebook page Strengthen animal welfare laws W A dedicated to sheber.
Once again I thank each and every one of you for taking your time to make the changes so desperately needed!
Put it out there people!
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
I was hoping to send this petition viral, as we need as many sigs as possible. I was told if I can get 500 sigs of my own this will happen. I really don't think I'm many short, please please if you haven't signed please do! This is so so important for us, and only a minute of your time

Thank you so much!
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
I want to thank each and every one of you who have signed this petition! I'm still trying my hardest to get more signatures, as I need as many as possible to present here in W A.
I'm also aiming to send this viral, and I believe only 68 more sigs are needed.

Please please will you help me to get there?
Thank you all so much
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