Stop The Sticky Horror for Mice's Sake

TERMINIX makes a safe trap for the live capture of mice. It works wonderfully. If you relocate the mice at least 1/2 mile away, they won't come back. They'll start a new life where you drop them off, in a field or woods. The mice will be happy. The owls, foxes, and other birds and animals who eat mice will be happy. But, TERMINIX also encloses a sticky paper, as an option, to put in the trap. Why? These cute, smart, tiny creatures don't bite, or sting, or do anything except jump as far away from you as possible and run, when you open the trap. The sticky paper option causes horrible, inhumane, cruel, and totally unnecessary, suffering. Please ask TERMINIX to do away with the sticky papers.

And while we're at it, lets ask TRUE VALUE HARDWARE to stop selling inhumane Sticky Traps, and poisons. If people think they must kill the mice, at least, they should do so quickly.

TERMINIX makes a safe trap for the live capture of mice. It works wonderfully. If you relocate the mice at least 1/2 mile away, they won't come back. They'll start a new life where you drop them off, in a field or woods. The mice will be happy. The owls, foxes, and other birds and animals who eat mice will be happy. But, TERMINIX also encloses a sticky paper, as an option, to put in the trap. Why? These cute, smart, tiny creatures don't bite, or sting, or do anything except jump as far away from you as possible and run, when you open the trap. The sticky paper option causes horrible, inhumane, cruel, and totally unnecessary, suffering. Please ask TERMINIX to do away with the sticky papers.

And while we're at it, lets ask your loca HARDWARE stores to stop selling inhumane Sticky Traps, and poisons. If people think they must kill the harmless little mice, at least, they should do so quickly.

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