Demand an end to the euthanasia of millions of shelter pets in America every year!!!

  • al: Travis H
  • destinatario: Donald Trump
It is extremely inhumane to euthanize millions of shelter animals every year in America! These animals are alive and want to continue living. Keeping them in tiny cages at the shelters is also inhumane. We are humans, so we shouldn't do inhumane things. This is America and in America we work to make things better. The solution is to create rescue organizations that hire people to 'trap-spay/neuter and release these animals and like this stop the over population. Prevention instead of Euthanasia! This will create millions of jobs for people, for example people that are applying for welfare because they can not find a job. There should be nation-wide fundraising events for this cause. Every single person in Amerika should care about this and help out and do something about this problem. If every single person in America does something to help - together we can end this problem and let the animals live! This is America! Something like this should not be happening! That is why we have to STOP this NOW and make it illegal to euthanize millions of shelter pets in America every year!!!
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