Mustangs a National Treasure!

  • al: Jessica Brown
  • destinatario: Provide Federal Protection from Mass Slaughter by Greedy Cattle Ranchers and Meat Companies

To President Obama please make our wild mustang a National Treasure as nothing short of that will stop the runaway greed that is extinguishing their lives as I write this sentance. The "Wild Mustang" is a true symbol of American freedom as they came here in servitude but survived freedom and bloomed into the free wild horses that all Americans love. Majority of Americans do not want these horses exterminated. But it still goes on in spit of public majority writing furiously against it. Lets put an end to destruction of species for profit with this bold reform. I hope you will seriously consider my plea as many human hearts feel the same way as I do myself about the wild mustang. Sincerely Jessica Mae Brown

Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Mustangs are trending on twitter! Please help us save Wyoming mustangs now! FaceBook this petition pleze :) Many Thanks
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
I could use some help spreading the word on Facebook and Twitter. I am amazed how many people world wide would love to see the sturdy little mustang be allowed to survive! Please help me push for this courageous beautiful enduring animal to not be wiped out by greedy cattle ranchers. Thank You for your support! :-)
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