A Cry for Justice: Don't Send Them Back!
I have just been told that the two cases rescued in August HAVE BEEN RELEASED BACK TO THEIR OWNER!!!!!
My friends, I know y'all have been following the recovery of these two amazing, beautiful animals. When we brought these poor animals home, the condition they were in was INEXCUSABLE. Now, the Beauregard Parish DA has CHOSEN to give these courageous souls BACK to the very person who starved them!
Please, please help me...help me to change his mind. I don't know why this decision was made. As a private rescue facility, I am not in the loop with the legality side of animal cruelty. But someone MUST KNOW HOW TO STOP THIS! PLEASE HELP US!
I ask for anyone to help us prevent these animals from going back. Please...don't let this happen. Don't stand by and let these beautiful boys go back to the owner who cruelty neglected them.
The day we picked them up from Hoerner Vet, Bones was unable to stand. He would lay down and weakly pull at the grass to eat. He was so weak, we did not expect him to live. Now he is healthy, happy, and active. And in danger of being sent back to the owner who starved him and his pasture mate. Please help us stop this from happening!
firma la peticiónfirma la petición