Strip Elon Musk of his defense contracts and government subsidies!

    Elon Musk has crossed the line with a recent post following the second alleged assassination attempt against Donald Trump, posting “And nobody is trying to assassinate Biden or Kamala” with a thinking emoji, clearly implying that the Democratic candidate for president is attempting to have her rival killed and inciting assassination attempts against Kamala and Biden themselves.

    This is an unacceptable statement for someone who receives billions in government subsidies and enjoys contracts with the Department of Defense to be saying. The White House needs to cut off its handouts to Elon Musk’s companies until he starts behaving like an adult.

    End the government handouts to Musk’s companies!

    Since 2003, Musk’s SpaceX company has received $15.3 billion in government contracts and hundreds of millions of dollars more in loans. That gravy train needs to come to a crashing halt now that its owner is using his platform to incite violence against presidential candidates and pushing baseless right-wing conspiracies.

    Actions need to have consequences. Elon Musk needs to be investigated by the Secret Service and lose his government contracts to show the world that the United States isn’t playing around when it comes to threats of political violence.

    Strip Elon Musk of his defense contracts and government subsidies!
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