!!!!!!!!!!!!SAVE THE ANIMALS OF GAZA ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • al: Victoria Salter
  • destinatario: World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, United Nations 馃嚭馃嚦, Four Paws, Humane Society International, SPCA International, IFAW, Born Free, animal sanctuaries and world Governments

Hello 馃憢,
In 2013, Gaza Zoo, Syria 馃嚫馃嚲, was called the most depressing zoo in the world. The conditions there for the animals are beyond horrific and extremely distressing, with animals starving and becoming mummified whilst still alive. Gaza actually has about five or six substandard zoos, with animals probably suffering horrifically in all of them.
In 2008, most of the animals were killed in Israeli/Hamas bombing, with some surviving and eating the dead. In 2009, the zoo was open, with makeshift pens full of trash. The zoo also tried to display dead animals with the living ones, by embalming them. They included a monkey missing an eye and several limbs, a porcupine with a hole in his head from a bad embalming job and a lion who died.
In 2013, two lion cubs froze to death only hours after their birth. A camel was hoisted over a fence from Egypt, twitching in agony.
In 2014, the zookeepers could not get in due to conflict and the animals were left uncared for and starving. The lions also needed vaccines that were unavailable and couldn't be brought in.
Some animals were rescued, but at least four more lion cubs have frozen to death, and many others suffer severe neglect and cruelty.
The images are terribly distressing. This was one of the "nicer" ones I found. These animals desperately need help.
We, the Undersigned, demand that Gaza Zoo is immediately shut down and that all of the animals are rescued and brought to the best sanctuaries possible, where they will receive proper, good and effective veterinary treatment, good food and enough TLC to stand a fighting chance.
Thank you 馃槉.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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