Shut Down and Penalize Nestle

  • al: Caleb Laieski
  • destinatario: U.S. Forest Service, State Water Resources Control Board and Governor Jerry Brown

Join me in contacting key California and Federal Officials about Nestle’s permit that expired back in 1988. It is estimated that Nestle draws around 80 million gallons from the Sacramento region, and at least 200,000,000 gallons of water in Coachella Valley per year.

As you might know, California has called a Drought State of Emergency and this is a very serious matter facing the state.

The U.S. Forest Service said that they were too backlogged to notice that Nestle’s permit had expired 27 years ago. Regardless the circumstance, it is the company’s moral and legal obligation to follow-up on their permit status, not the Forest Services.

Therefore, we need to ask for the immediately shut down of Nestle’s unregulated water pumping and penalize Nestle to the fullest extent for working on an expired permit for almost 30 years.

I am writing in reference to Nestle’s permit that expired back in 1988. It is estimated that Nestle draws around 80 million gallons from the Sacramento region, and at least 200,000,000 gallons of water in Coachella Valley per year.

As you know, California has called a Drought State of Emergency and this is a very serious matter facing the state.

The U.S. Forest Service said that they were too backlogged to notice that Nestle’s permit had expired 27 years ago. Regardless the circumstance, it is the company’s moral and legal obligation to follow-up on their permit status, not the Forest Services.

Therefore, I ask that you immediately shut down Nestle’s unregulated water pumping and penalize Nestle to the fullest extent for working on an expired permit for almost 30 years.

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Gas Leak -- Your Help Needed

Governor Brown has declared a State of Emergency, after an uncontrolled gas leak at in a Los Angeles neighborhood.

The Obama Administration has failed to provide any resources to the State of California, or even make a statement.

This is the LARGEST gas leak in history and it will be another two months until they can stop the leak.

Petition URL:

Caleb Laieski
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