Convince Dark Horse Comics to bring every Vampire Princess Miyu manga to the United States!

    At least two decades ago, a few volumes of the popular-in-Japan-but-borderline-obscure manga franchise Vampire Princess Miyu and (thankfully) all five volumes of its sequel New Vampire Miyu were licensed in America and brought to the west by an underground licensing company called Studio Ironcat, but in 2004, Ironcat went out of business before they could finish translating the first Miyu manga, even though they did finish localizing New Vampire Miyu.
    It's been years since then and during that time, new Vampire Miyu Manga has been created in Japan, even one that started in 2017 and ended in 2020, but none of it was ever brought stateside. Not a single manga localization studio lifted a finger to license any of it so that Americans would be able to read it. That needs to change. We need to find a company able and willing to get the job done. And I nominate Dark Horse Comics since they have lots of dark mangas under their belt like Hellsing and Berserk. Mangas licensed by other closed-down companies were rescued by currently existing ones, and Vampire Princess Miyu deserves that fate too. We need to convince them to make sure that anyone in the west even slightly interested in the manga deserves a chance to experience all of it.
    Contact Dark Horse Comics, and ask them to ask Narumi Kakinouchi and Toshiki Hirano for permission to bring the original Vampire Princess Miyu Manga, Vampire Miyu: Saku (Vampire Princess Miyu: New Moon), Vampire Yui, and Yui Kanonsho to the west complete with (faithful) translations, as well as re-licensing New Vampire Miyu, putting it back in print. This franchise deserves more exposure, more readers, and more love.
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