Stop the killing of animals for fur!

Fur farming is an industry that is continuing to grow every day. On a fur farm, animals are being skinned alive and slaughtered for their fur. Fur farming is a process that makes a large amount of money by killing animals and selling the fur to the fashion industry. According to PETA’s article “Fur Farms,” these animals are being tortured from lack of food and shelter, “Animals on fur factory farms are fed meat byproducts considered unfit for human consumption. Water is provided by a nipple system, which often freezes in the winter and can also fail because of human error.” On these farms these animals are given no acts of kindness. It is time that society should speak up for these animals and be a voice for them. The time now is to demand the way our animals are being treated. These animals should no longer be locked up and slaughtered for their fur.
According to an article from Charlotte Meredith, “Animals electrocuted, strangled, and skinned alive: The true face of China’s fur farms,” it has been announced that China has one of the largest fur farms in the world. It is the largest fur trading country, more than half of its fur is imported to the United States. Also the PETA website claims that, “The animals—who are housed in unbearably small cages—live with fear, stress, disease, parasites, and other physical and psychological hardships, all for the sake of an unnecessary global industry that makes billions of dollars annually.” This is a growing business that deals with the mistreatment of animals for money.
It is concerning to learn about the killing of foxes, chinchillas, minks, and rabbits for the use of their fur. The animals listed are only a minor section of what fur farm workers actually kill on these farms. These animals are being deprived of food, a proper shelter, and warmth during the winter. All of the animals on these farms suffer from malnutrition and they lack essentials to survive, such as water. Facts from an online website, LCA Last Chance for Animals, supports the claim that these animals are being mistreated, “This type of intensive confinement can result in self-mutilation, cannibalism, and high-level stress that weakens the immune system and makes animals more susceptible to disease. “Due to their living environment, they are more easily exposed diseases.
Being skinned alive is the most popular way of extracting fur from these animals. In recent studies from the CEASE website, “100 chinchillas or as many as 60 minks are required to make one full-length fur coat; depending on the type of fox, 10 to 24 may be required.” Once these animals are skinned from their fur, they are thrown into a pile to be left for dead. Most of the time, these animals are still alive and suffering from the pain. The bodies of these animals are ran through machines to extract the fur coat from their backs.
According to “Inside the Chinese fur farms which breed 'raccoon dogs' in tiny cages and skin them alive to make luxury coats sold in the West,” Dan Bloom discusses how skinning animals is not the only cruel thing occurring on these farms. These farm industries have tested methods such as cross breeding a raccoon and a dog believing that it will be a brilliant and sufficient way of getting large amounts of fur.
An alternative that can suffice for fur is faux fur, it made of synthetic fibers meshed together to create an imitation version of fur. Also from a personal account, I have gone to a place that sold leather jackets and they recommend synthetic fur as an alternative. There are many ways society can contribute to help these harmless animals. Simply by not purchasing fur or leather is one way we can ensure our animals are being supported.
By stopping the act of selling animal fur to fashion industries we can prevent the cruel slaughter of these harmless creatures. During the winter, there are other methods that can keep us warm without harming these animals. Making sure we do not purchase fur or leather items that come from an animal we can ensure that our voice for this is heard. If we voice our opinions loud enough these animals will not have to suffer in silence. Everyone, including animals, are entitled to feel comfortable in their own skin. So please sign the petition and make a difference.

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