unlawfull destruction of bailey by north London metropolitan status dog unit.

  • al: georgina rogers
  • destinatario: supreme courts / north london metropolitan police status dog unit

  I am devastated that this petition isn't getting much support.. she deserved so so much more! 💔💔💔💔

  Bailey Rogers  passed a behaviour assessment with a highly qualified animal behaviourist....she was not deemed a public danger yet she was still murdered rather than put on a contingent order...she was unlawfully killed.. she was prematurely killed before our 28 days rights of appeal!!

I hold the north London status dog unit and the high courts of justice !! accountable for unlawfully and prematurely destroying our family pet and preventing my legal right of appeal.  

Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Bailey was in police kennels for 2 yrs, kennel staff recieved no problems with her ..other than her not being keen on smaller dogs, this was easily rectified as she was kept in kennels alone..we had bailey for almost 10yrs and never had a problem of her being a danger!! she will be missed and we as a family need the police and the courts to acknowledge there actions was wrong and unexceptable !
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Thank you all so much for your support plz keep sharing ... up dates to follow.
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