Chase Bank: Stop Discriminating Against Porn Stars!
Chase Bank has reportedly sent letters to hundreds of actresses in the pornography industry notifying them that their accounts will be shut down on May 11. The bank gave no real reason for their decision to close these accounts, and the affected accounts were not all linked to bad banking practices such as bounced checks or questionable purchases.
One of the affected performers is Teagan Presley, who had her account for over 10 years and used it only to purchase mundane things like groceries, rent and lessons for her children.
If Chase Bank has such a problem with the adult film industry, why don't they go through all their customers' accounts and close all the ones that purchase adult materials? That would have a greater affect on the pornography industry. These customers are keeping pornographers in business, and many porn stars are simply trying to make a living and support their families like everyone else. No one is saying they're good role models, but it's unfair to target them when no profession is perfect. Please sign the petition to urge Chase Bank to stop discriminating against porn stars.
We understand that Chase Bank has sent letters to hundreds of actresses in the pornography industry notifying them that their accounts will be shut down on May 11. The bank gave no real reason for their decision to close these accounts, and the affected accounts were not all linked to bad banking practices such as bounced checks or questionable purchases.
One of the affected performers is Teagan Presley, who had her account for over 10 years and used it only to purchase mundane things like groceries, rent and lessons for her children.
If your bank has such a problem with the adult film industry, why don't you go through all your customers' accounts and close all the ones that purchase adult materials? That would have a greater effect on the pornography industry. These customers are keeping pornographers in business, and many porn stars are simply trying to make a living and support their families like everyone else. No one is saying they're good role models, but it's unfair to target them when no profession is perfect. We respectfully urge you to stop discriminating against porn stars. Thank you for taking time to read and consider our petition.
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