These Guys Are Mutilating Their Dogs' Ears To Make Them Sell for Big Bucks

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Police Service of Scotland

They are called "devil dogs" not because of how they behave, but because of the way the look. With big block heads and stout muscular bodies the American bullies often get a bad wrap. One of their most signature features is their pointy always-alert ears that make them look even more intimidating.

Those pointy ears, however, are not natural. In order to get that "devilish" look, many breeders go through the unnecessary process of clipping their natural floppy ears to make them pointy. The procedure, called "ear-cropping" is purely for vanity, it serves no purpose and amounts to willful mutilation.

Ear-cropping often takes place in owners homes with makeshift tools and anesthetic kits bought on the internet. The practice can also cause lasting health problems for the canines.

Fortunately, ear-cropping is banned in the European Union and the UK. Yet, it seems like one person hasn't gotten the message. English professional soccer player James Tavernier has caused quite a stir after he announced he was starting an American Bully breeding business and posted pics on social media of his dogs with mutilated ears.

A quick visit to their Instagram account — designerbulliesuk — reveals several adult dogs with hacked off ears, while showing cute adorable puppies with their naturally floppy ones.

Since the entire EU and the UK ban the process, he is either importing dogs with their ears already cut or, more likely, he is doing it illegally inside of the UK.

Scottish Police must investigate and hold Tavernier responsible if he is found to be breaking the law. These dogs deserve to be loved not abused. Please sign the petition and ask the Police Service of Scotland to take action now.

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