Outlaw the use of leghold traps, snares and bodygripping devices on our wildlife
These devices are probably the most cruel instruments ever invented by man. They are utterly indiscriminate and subject the animal to indescribable suffering. Left for days, they will pull out their joints, break off their teeth and often chew off their own limbs in an effort to free themselves, or slowly suffocate as they struggle against a snare around their neck. Two out of three trapped animals are unintended and are all too often our own pets.
To date this practice is still legal on private lands and used with impunity. If a person treated their pets in this manner on their property, they would be charged with animal cruelty and put in jail. Why then can such torture be allowed on our wildlife in this day and age? Is it because it is clandestine and invisible to the scrutiny of the public?
I ask for you to introduce a bill to OUTLAW this horrific practice that belongs to another age and time.
These devices are probably the most cruel instruments ever invented by man. They are utterly indiscriminate and subject the animal to indescribable suffering. Left for days, they will pull out their joints, break off their teeth and often chew off their own limbs in an effort to free themselves, or slowly suffocate as they struggle against a snare around their neck. Two out of three trapped animals are unintended and are all too often our own pets. To date this practice is still legal on private lands and used with impunity. If a person treated their pets in this manner on their property, they would be charged with animal cruelty and put in jail. Why then can such torture be allowed on our wildlife in this day and age? Is it because it is clandestine and invisible to the scrutiny of the public? I ask for you to introduce a bill to OUTLAW this horrific practice that belongs to another age and time.
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
We are getting closer to my goal of 6,000 signatures. Need 600 more to get there. Can you share with people that you have not contacted to date? Thanks so much. I really hope we can make a change to prevent this cruel outdated treatment of our wildlife..
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
thank you for signing my petition to outlaw the use of cruel leghold traps. Please help me increase the response by sharing with your friends. We need to succeed with changing this antiquated law. Thank you.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Can you increase the impact of my petition by sending it to your friends or putting it on facebook?Thank you very much. We must succeed in stopping this cruel practice.
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