Ask Indiana For Lifetime Ban On Puppy Mills and Illegal Breeding Facilities

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Indiana State Board of Animal Health

Please sign and share this petition nationwide as we target the Indiana State Board of Animal Health regarding the licensing of dog breeding facilities and possible lifetime ban of puppy mills. We are asking for these further actions after the recent puppy mill discovery and removal of seven border collie dogs from the person "owning" these dogs.

In Lafayette, Indiana, seven border collie dogs were removed from a barn belonging to a woman who was an alleged puppy mill owner. When rescuing these animals, there was no mention of charges or anything, even though these dogs were all living in horrific conditions.

Animal control responsible for the rescue of the animals states that the dogs were in a matted condition, were all covered in feces and apparently very neglected. One of the animals had to have an eye removed, another suffered a hind leg injury and all the dogs had lice and worms. None of the dogs were vaccinated as required by law. Additionally, the animals were kept in crates in an unventilated area.

Help us to target the Indiana State Board of Animal Health in this matter by signing and sharing this petition on all of your media sites, not only in a lifelong ban on this woman ever owning or caring for any other animals eternally, but to ensure that all breeding facilities be fully licensed.

Indiana State Board of Animal Health - You need to ensure that all breeding facilities throughout the state are licensed to ensure the health and well-being of all the animals. Place a lifetime ban on all puppy mills. Such facilities like this particular puppy mill needs to be shut down with a permanent ban placed on the person(s) running it so that no other animals can be subjected to further abuse as inflicted by such people. Work closely with law enforcement to put such places out of business permanently and ensure all breeding facilities meet street licensing requirements or endure serious prosecution violations under the law.

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